Running Out of Ideas for Instagram Content? Here’s 5 Easy Ways to Use Instagram Stories

Jake Boucher
4 min readDec 6, 2017

I’m sure almost all of you reading this have heard of Instagram stories. Instagram stories is a knockoff of Snapchat stories. Instagram saw the huge success of Snapchat stories and just had to follow suit (as did Facebook).

Instagram stories come with many benefits for businesses and brands. Possibly more so than Snapchat. Instagram stories are only getting more popular everyday, why not hop on that train right now?

Without further ado, here’s 5 benefits of Instagram stories that will make you look like a marketing pro.

Benefit 1: Announcements

Instagram stories is a perfect place to announce various things. It could be news about your newest product, or event, the latest news in your industry, your upcoming book, and on and on.

With the amount of news that circulates every single day, you will never be short of content to put out.

If you’re a business, announce your latest sale or product on Instagram stories. With the number of daily active users increasing for Instagram stories, this will only become more important with time.

Going off of the number of daily active users that use Instagram stories, the number of Instagram users that actually…

