Regret Scares Me, and it Should Scare You

Jake Boucher
3 min readDec 17, 2017

I have a gut feeling if you’re reading this, you have some regret that you’re living with. It’s ok, everyone has lived with regret before. The real question is do you really want to be living with regret at the age of 75?

You could be 20 years old living with regret because you didn’t ask that girl out, or you didn’t start doing that thing that you have always wanted to do sooner.

Take a step back and examine your current situation. Think of all of the things that you are good at and jump head first into chasing that goal.

Don’t push things off. As soon as it crosses your mind, act on it. If You Procrastinate, You’re Setting Yourself Up to Fail gives some advice to overcoming procrastination.

Why does regret exist?

The reason why regret exists in your life is that of procrastination. I bet you tell yourself all the time that you’re going to start something, and every day that passes is another day where you didn’t start.

Why wait?

Like I said before, as soon as the thought passes through your head, get going on it. You literally have 5 seconds from the moment a thought passes through your head until your brain will tell you to do something else.

